Tuesday, July 8, 2014


Monday’s Morning Call published an article about residents of Upper Macungie who were concerned about rats in an overgrown swale.  I thought that was strange, since you seldom see rats in open fields, no matter how tall the grass.  

When I continued reading, I learned that the rats were attracted by garbage that people were illegally dumping in the area.

Last Friday when my friends Rene and Lia returned from a hike to the Wild Creek Falls, they brought back with them an abandoned styrofoam cooler they had filled with trash.  The Falls, which was in the possession of the Christman Family before Beltzville State Park was formed, is a marvelous area of rocks, rapids, hemlocks, and still deep pools.
And trash.


  1. We got all of the trash Roy so it should be good for awhile.
