Friday, August 29, 2014

"Go to hell" money

Suppose your boss tells you to do something illegal or immoral.  Most jobs come with opportunities to do something wrong.  You can probably think of some examples from your own job.

This is why you should have at least six months of paychecks in the bank.  That will give you both power and independence.  Then, if your supervisor orders you to lie or cheat or steal or dodge a governmental regulation, you can refuse.  If he or she then threatens that you will be fired if you don’t obey, you look him or her in the eye and calmly say, “Go to hell.”

I am fully aware that for some lower paid workers, it is very difficult to save up a reasonable amount of “go to hell” money.  Nevertheless, once you have it, you’ll feel a real sense of power.

Or you could join a union.

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