Sunday, February 22, 2015

Hope for Obama bashers

Many of the letters to the editor critical of the President published in the Morning Call are not only critical, they are downright ugly and vitriolic.  The letters are sent by people who not only don’t like Obama’s policies, they loath the man himself in irrational hostility.

I have been concerned about these Obama haters.  They have less than two years left.  What will they do after he is no longer president?  Where will they vent their spleen?  They’ll be adrift, uncertain of their purpose in a world without a President Obama.  I pitied them.

Then it hit me.  They can turn their irrational hatred against President Hillary Clinton.  That will give them another eight years.  They’ll have a whole new purpose in life.  


  1. The situation is about the same here in suburban Chicago. There are about 25 or so who do the vast majority of the letter writing. I have thought about writing to the editor disputing their claims but I find it impossible to fight with stupidity. As long as they don't go off the deep end and do harm.

    If we have another Democrat in the White House, I'll be happy. If it is Hillary there is no doubt that the extremists will continue with their vitriol. All the extremists want is an old white male who is of their ilk. I was hoping the Romney would run again, oh well.

  2. The Republican Party really is the party of haters. What a sour and mean group of people they are.
