Sunday, August 2, 2015

Pipeline death threats

On Saturday morning Linda, our daughter Rachael, our grandson Gavin, and I canoed from Preacher’s Camp Boat Launch across Beltzville Lake and up Wild Creek Cove.  The Christman family once “owned” Wild Creek (can you really own a creek?) from Pohopoco Drive to about half a mile from the confluence with the Pohopoco.

After the Beltzville project was completed, what had been Wild Creek became the Wild Creek Cove, under many feet of lake water.  I wanted to show Gavin where our stream entered the lake, and the rock formation my Dad called “the bear cave,” and the cliffs below the Wild Creek Falls.

I wanted him to see it before the UGI-PennEast pipeline cut a permanent scar through Beltzville State Park across Wild Creek Cove.  I wanted him to see it while it still had hemlocks on both sides of the Cove, while it still had an unbroken shoreline on both sides.

The Morning Call recently published an article that PennEast officials had received death threats.  The FBI is investigating.  Perhaps the FBI should also investigate the real threats to the the environment, to the natural beauty of the area, to endangered plant and animal species.  These abuses to the environment aren’t some fanciful and silly threats--these are promises of things to come, brought to our neighborhood and our parks by a company which has one interest only--to make money.

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