Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Reactions to the Paris Massacre

Everyone was predicable.  The CIA director calls for more surveillance.  Sen. Toomey wants to shut the borders to Syrian refugees.  Republican governors, “Christians” all, say there’s no more room in the inn.  

Bleeding heart liberals, a group in which I include myself, ask who will help the refugees.  We don’t think it is fair that relatively poor countries like Turkey or Jordan should be forced to bear the burden of feeding and housing hundreds of thousands of people.

Sen. Rubio, equally predictable, notes that of 1000 refugees, suppose just one is ISIS.  My question to Rubio is, how do we know you aren’t part of a Castro sleeper cell?  Didn’t your parents come from Cuba?  (I am fully aware of how mean that is, but I am tired of that little prick.)

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